To breathe easier, you need to use proven strategies for reducing allergens in your indoor environment.
First, it is recommended that you keep your windows closed during the times of day when pollen counts or other pollutant levels are at their highest. Your local weather report is a good source of information on day-to-day pollutant activity. When they're high, run your air conditioning to keep cool inside.
Preventing pollen from entering your home is only one part of a comprehensive allergen-busting strategy. You also need to be conscientious about cleanliness, and that means mopping floors, vacuuming carpets and upholstery, and dusting all surfaces at least once a week. If you have pets that shed, however, you'll need to vacuum more frequently. In addition, switch to mold-resistant shower curtains in your bathroom. Wash bedsheets, linens and towels regularly in hot water with a fragrance-free detergent, and ask smokers to step outside.
Finally, supplement your efforts by taking advantage of products designed to boost indoor air quality. There are several options available. First, if you suffer from particularly bad allergies, you can install a whole-house air-filtration system that uses either ultraviolet (UV) lights to kill organic pollutants or High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filtration technologies to remove dust and pollen from the air. Finally, dehumidifiers help you control indoor humidity levels, and keep mold and mildew problems at bay.
As a more affordable alternative limited in scope, you can get portable air cleaners designed for use in specific rooms. These products trap and destroy allergens and biological irritants, creating a cleaner and safer indoor environment.
At Rodenheiser Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning, we offer a complete range of indoor air quality products to residents of the Route 495/128 area that can help you enjoy a symptom-free summer. If you have further questions about controlling summer allergies, general queries about indoor air quality or any other home comfort concerns, please contact us.
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